Welcome To Fusion Fotografix

Our blog is where you will find the latest and greatest updates on weddings, engagements, and everything under the sun. We post upcoming events so be sure to check back often. Be sure to subscribe to our blog for updates. We love what we do and thank all of our clients because without you we would not be here. ~ Sandra & Kim

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Kennedy Kiser

Ms. Kennedy's mom won a portrait sitting with a 20x30 print from a silent auction I donated to last year. Kennedy is such a happy little girl and loves to talk (although I couldn't understand a word she was saying). Kennedy is going to be a cheerleader this year for Halloween so she wore that for me and showed me how to shake her pom poms. Kennedy, you are such a delight to be around. I'm looking forward to our next photo session. ~ Sandra Henderson

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