Welcome To Fusion Fotografix

Our blog is where you will find the latest and greatest updates on weddings, engagements, and everything under the sun. We post upcoming events so be sure to check back often. Be sure to subscribe to our blog for updates. We love what we do and thank all of our clients because without you we would not be here. ~ Sandra & Kim

Friday, November 23, 2007

Mentoring Session with Jessica Claire!!!

A couple of months ago I won a mentoring session with this cutie pie, Jessica Claire.

Jessica is "famous" in the photography world for her clean, crisp, sharp and vibrant images. Most every photographer wants images like hers and today I had the opportunity to pick her brain. She is so giving of information and so open about everything from the way she shoots to her personal life. Jessica, not only are you a very gifted photographer, you are super sweet! Thank you so much for giving me your shootsac. ~Sandra


Anonymous said...

thanks sandra, i had a blast meeting you!!

McCardell Photography said...

I wish I could have been a fly on the wall! Hopefully you will pass along a tip or two? :-)