Welcome To Fusion Fotografix

Our blog is where you will find the latest and greatest updates on weddings, engagements, and everything under the sun. We post upcoming events so be sure to check back often. Be sure to subscribe to our blog for updates. We love what we do and thank all of our clients because without you we would not be here. ~ Sandra & Kim

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Tamra and Matt's Wedding

Tamra and Matt were married at the O'Henry Hotel in Greensboro on October 20, 2007. While I was upstairs (on the 8th floor) photographing Tamra, the fire alarm in the hotel went off shutting off the elevator door. The ceremony was delayed by 30 minutes but was absolutely beautiful despite the set back. Tamra and Matt are so beautiful together. Here are just a few shots from their wedding. ~ Sandra Henderson

I just love the little bride and groom......

The cake was done by Maxie B's in Greensboro. Great job you guys!

Check out the details on this dress....wowza!

I just had to blow out the background on these shoes and here's a peek shot I took from inside the reception room. What a sweet smile Tamra has....

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