Welcome To Fusion Fotografix

Our blog is where you will find the latest and greatest updates on weddings, engagements, and everything under the sun. We post upcoming events so be sure to check back often. Be sure to subscribe to our blog for updates. We love what we do and thank all of our clients because without you we would not be here. ~ Sandra & Kim

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Cindy Johnson

Cindy is a very talented Christian music artist. If you don't know who she is, you have to check her out. I have her CD and it is WONDERFUL. Her web address is: http://www.cindyjohnson.org/.

I also had the pleasure of photographing her wedding over the summer and just photographed her for the cover of her CD coming out this Christmas. These are just a few of my favorites (but they are still loading as I write) so I can only post a few before I have to leave to take my daughter trick-or-treating. ~ Sandra Henderson

I particularly like this one because I just had one of my cameras converted to infrared. Cindy asked me what the purpose was....well, Cindy, do you see the purpose now ;)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Sandra, I have been looking at your blog today and really enjoying your photography. I really like the infrared photo. Keep up the good work. I will be checking you out.