Welcome To Fusion Fotografix

Our blog is where you will find the latest and greatest updates on weddings, engagements, and everything under the sun. We post upcoming events so be sure to check back often. Be sure to subscribe to our blog for updates. We love what we do and thank all of our clients because without you we would not be here. ~ Sandra & Kim

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Weddings: Amy and Justin

You may remember Amy and Justin from their engagement session a few months back. They are Wake Forest alums and die hard fans, sporting school colors both for their portrait session and wedding. With the help of Julia Denton of Tie the Knot, their wedding was both beautiful and loads of fun.

a glance back...
wedding details...lovely flowers from Floral Visions...i love this completely random moment Sarah captured... the handsome groom and his guys...
in the moment...

amazing light...
hey, where'd he go?

first dance at the millenium center...stopping traffic...going out in style...
amy and justin had a photo booth from party booths at the reception and sarah and i couldn't help ourselves, despite looking less than glamorous from the heat of the day. who says hard work can't be fun? Thanks guys! Have an awesome honeymoon and i'll see you soon!

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